
Jan 30, 2013

Milestones and a Giveaway

Hello my lovely gorgeous people!

Good morning and hope you are enjoying your winter - the snow, the warm clothes, the cozy snuggles and the lovely food. We have had a not so cold winter here by HK standards.

When i started blogging and had my first few page views and followers, i was soo thrilled. Meeting new friends, seeing their comments on my posts, following other lovely blogs - the entire journey has been amazing! It has been almost a year now since my first one. You can read about it HERE.  And now i am here - with over 100+ followers, my 100th post (this one, YipeEEE!!) and on the threshold of my blog's first birthday :)

What better way to celebrate than to share my happiness with you :) I am hosting my first give away!! Yes i really want to show my appreciation to all you lovely people, who take time out and leave such lovely words of encouragement for me in all my crafty adventures.

This is what is up for grabs

*500 Crochet Blocks by Hannah Elgie and Kath Eastoe - For endless hours of creative exploration. The beautiful presentation and range of patterns make this book a treasured companion. Hannah has been crafting since a child and you can read more about her business Make,Do and Mend HERE. Kath Webber is a journalist and blogger who is addicted to crochet. You can find her blog HERE.

 A sneak peek into some of the lovely pages of this wonderful book....

*Also a collection of lining material for your crochet bag projects. I have used this material many times and its a thumbs up! Its water proof and helps protect all the yarn and threads too.

*Some fancy crafty bits..

 *Lovely wooden buttons for all your needs.

Now, what do you guys need to do so that you win this loot??

Very very simple - Just leave me a comment below! Yes you heard it..a small comment is all it takes for you guys to become the lovely owner of my happiness gift!

You can add another point for mentioning my give-away in your blog or any posts. You can even grab my Give-away Button. Yes i did create one :) Feel free o grab the giveaway button from my sidebar.

You don't need to be my follower but you can go ahead and make me happy!!

The entries end on my Blog birthday which is on 17th of Feb 2013. Lotsa have fun guys and leave me a comment below.!!!

Lotsa love,

Jan 21, 2013

Ripple Journey - The beginnings

Hello my lovely friends!

A good Monday morning to all of you and a special one to all my new friends whom i have met thru the "Grow Your Blog" Party! What as awesome event hosted by 2Bags Full. You can find more info on my sidebar Party Button. I am having so much fun visiting new blogs and meeting fellow crafters!

Ok, everyone is familiar with lovely Lucy of Attic24. Familiar is a stupid word actually..Awed, inspired and always looking forward to her ramblings and her lovely colorful peeps and yarn world. I have tried many times to look at her ripple blankets and then look away. Looking away.... But could not resist the temptation for a long time... Finally took the plunge when i saw her Interlocking Color Ripple Ta-daah. What a mesmerizing combination and explosion of colors. The interlocking ripples did me in, caught me unawares and i scummed.

 My new pack of StyleCraft yarn! This time the blanket is a boy's one and i so regretfully passed over all the lovely colors and chose this pack. Blue is such a color - you either love it or hate it. I have always hated it as my school uniform was in blue. Every single day , except Sundays, i used to wear blue. So i can never really pick any blue dress..For a while i used to not even wear blue denims...he he! Having a boy changed that and now i have come to at-least respect the color..if not Love know what i mean...

 I started on my new adventure with 17 ripples. ie 17 * 14 + 3 = a foundation chain of 241. Approximately 60" in width. Should be good enough for a single bed and that's what it is for!
 As i said, i have some to respect blues especially when these adorable shoes for my little man comes in that shade :)

Can you see the interlocking ripples. I have done 4 complete colors as of now. Its a total relaxing project, stitch after stitch, ripple after ripple...


What are you guys hooking/crafting today?

Love to hear from you as always..

Jan 19, 2013

Let's "Grow Your Blog" Party

Hello, my LOVELY friends. Hope you are having a great weekend and enjoying the winter season wherever you are!!

This is a very  special post for the "Grow Your Blog" Party, organized by Vicky from 2BagsFull.
She has a lovely and very creative space. Do pop in there by clicking on the party button below to have some fun reads and also participate in few give-away's.

So let the party begin....!!
Apart from what is in "About Me" tab at the right hand corner of the blog here's a sneak peek into my world...

A former run-of-the-mill IT consultant from Bangalore, currently I am a full-time home maker for my 2 adorably cute and incessantly demanding children. If this wasn't enough, my superior fraction (better ½) is sometimes most of the time even more demanding. The journey of my chaotic life is currently passing through Hong Kong. 

My little people 

My passion and creative outlet.
Being an arty type of human being my house, life, art work is generally in a frenzied state of motion. I decided to bring some order into at least my art life through a blog. Started blogging in early 2012, February to be precise (did procrastinate for a month though). My creative desires always had an outlet, but now I use Blogger to showcase it. You will find lots of crochet decor items made to enhance the love and warmth in my home, crochet wearable for little ones, dabbles of paper crafts, home improvement ideas, scrap booking and sewing projects amidst my ramblings in space and time. 

Why Diapermum? 
One thing you will always find in my purse – any guesses? Not mini make-up kits like most Hong Kongers but diapers J Being a mom of a 3-year old girl and a 1-year old boy diapers are a must have in my bag. You have all heard of Super moms and multi-tasking moms and this-and-that mom. But I am a diaper mum and since my blog is my very own space, it mirrors my thoughts. Plus all the good names were already taken by bloggers world-wide and I had to do with this.

Well folks that's a bit about me. Started blogging almost a year back and never thought i would come so far. I have made some very special friends in this world of blogger land. Ever post i publish and every article I craft is made even special and worth it by your very sweet and encouraging comments!
Thanks for being on this crazy journey with me and lets make it more fun and worth-while.

Here's looking at all such lovely inspirations and blogs..

Have a great weekend and hope to make great friends in this space :)


Jan 16, 2013

Little Man Vest

Hello my lovely people!

How is this Wednesday morning looking? We are having a pretty sunny winter here (thank-god for that!) A warm welcome to all my new followers. Hope you enjoy your peek into my Diaper-world here in blogger-land!!

Last week when i opened my home-page i was so excited and surprised to see my Giant Granny Blanket being featured in Annemarie's Haakblog: Link Your Stuff! I was super thrilled and happy to read all your lovely comments, it definitely motivates me and keeps me going :)

Having 2 kids - a boy and girl - is a really good combination. You can experience the best of both worlds. My girl has her own tantrums and my boy is super duper active. They really melt the hours into days and days into months! Its great fun tho..But i always end up crocheting for my girl. There are just soo many options right for them? I wanted to correct it by hooking something up for my boy. Here's what i came up with...

You may remember  when i began this vest some months back. I started doing this to take a break from blanket squares making.

For anyone who is interested in working up a vest i used this simple pattern measurements. The size is for 6(12,18,24) months.

You can always work up the calculations and adjust the gunge on your own. The pattern is a simple FPDC and BPDC worked alternatively. I have used 3 colors and altered after ever row. Hope this was useful!

 The back of it..
 Used some bright yellow buttons from my stash to close this up..

 ..and here's my man in this vest! I am super happy with the way this fitted on him. I had intended it to be an inner-ware so its perfect for it and it fits him snugly!

 here is his, giving you guys a flying kiss :)
My ever drooling boy in a hand made vest just for him!

Hope you guys enjoyed it. I will be back tomorrow with some new news..Keep watching this space for a yarn bombing tomorrow :)

Lotsa love,

Jan 11, 2013

Events, Awards and some Fun

Hello my dear friends..

Yes, i am popping in again today! What a great day right?

This post is a personal one, i wanted to NOT be lazy and also spread some blogger love. Awards are a special way of telling bloggers that they are read about, waited for and inspired from. Sometimes money and gifts cannot buy life's little treasures like making someone happy with a kind word, a sweet gesture or a pat on the back..

So without much ado i am going to carry on the rules of the Liebster Blog Award i had received from the lovely Anna of Hindustanka's Sunny Days and also from dear Garden Chef.

 Well, the Liebster Blog Award is not without its own rules. Here they are:

    1.Answer the 11 questions posed by the person who nominated you
    2.Nominate 11 other bloggers for the award
    3.Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
    4.Tell them you have tagged them and pay it forward

Anna's questions for me were:

1. If you were offered unexpectedly to go somewhere for a trip, which destination would it be? Definitely Swizterland - the Alps and the land of Love.
2. What is your favorite book? - Been a while since i read one, but in the past it was the Harry Potter Series..yes i am not your serious reader!
3. Are you a dreamer? - Not much, more of a Doer
4. What was the best food you ever tried? - Thai food @ Magnolia in Bangalore
5. Do you have many friends (in real)? Few close friends
6. Would you like to go to the Moon (and back)? - my mother Earth!
7. How does your ideal day look like? - Hooking, coffee, no kids, no house work and lotsa good site-coms to watch while i hook n drink coffee...hhe he he
8. Would you like to learn any new language? - Would like to learn German
9. Are you (and your house) ready for Christmas/New year celebrations yet? - No
10. What is your best memory so far? - Best and worst - Birth of my children + Labor Pain before that!
11. Any new skill/craft you would to learn? Want to do more paper crafting.

Garden Chef's questions for me were:

1.If you were a Miss Universe finalist and one of the judges asks the question, "What is the greatest challenge in your life?" what will be your answer? - Living upto the expectations of people i love
2.    What was your favorite subject in grade school? - Economics
3.    Favorite quotation? - As you sow, so you reap!
4.    If you have a husband or boyfriend, your theme song? Otherwise, your favorite song. - My Fav song (one of them) Billy Joel's Just the way you are// 
5.  How did you become a blogger? To find a creative outlet for my time, i took up blogging.
6.    Have you ever written a poem or lyrics of a song? Could you write a stanza or two? - Not my cup of T
7.Your favorite craft website and why? - Ravelry for the never ending resources on yarn projects!
8.Your fairy godmother gave you a crown that you should pass on to a person you admire most. Who would that person be? My mother.
9.Given funds for a new wardrobe, what design or style would you collect? (e.g., executive, casual, sporty, formal, etc.) - Casual
10.Name an award you received in high school - Proficiency Prize.
11.If you have enough savings to build a house, where would you prefer to build it --- in the city, along the beach, in the valley, top of the hill, mountain top, lake shore, etc.? - Can i build on a lake shore and mountain top also? :)
My 11 nominations for the award are.....Drum Rolls please..........!!

1. Boocoos @ Boocoos Blogthing - From Fort Worth, TX, an amazingly talented lady.
2.I love Handmade by WeaverBirdie  - Her dolls are so cute and i want to learn one soon!
3.Maree from MareeLovesColor - Her eye for color and crochet patience for blankets are inspiring.
4.Heather from my little red suitcase - A very special blog from a very gifted and creative Heather.
5.Lisa from My World of Colors - Cannot believe how much of energy she has for giving us so many new crochet projects! Love her works.
6.LizzieBee from One Square at a Time - Avid crocheter and talent in abundance!
7.A global nomad @ Pigtails - A quirky and unique crochet blog!
8.Deepti @ MY ART - A must visit site for all paper crafters.
9.Sangeetha @ Crochetkari - Love her humorous way of writing and of couse all her lovely crochet works too!
10.Tammy @ Life's Simple Pleasures - Blogs about true joys in this world!
11.Chinmaye @ Love Food Eat - if you are a vegan, calorie conscious person - PLEASE check out this blog. Total food love!

There are so many lovely blogs around that it was really difficult choosing only 11. But i had a great time selecting some beautiful blogs..

Now for my 11 questions my dear friends...Here they are..

1.What is the best part about blogging?
2.Which is your all-time favourite movie?
3.One quote you believe in?
4.If you had a credit card for which you dint have to pay, what is the most expensive thing you would buy?
5.Favorite childhood memory?
6. How would you spend your ideal "FREE" day?
7.One thing which will always be in your bag?
8.One dish you can eat again and over again?
9.Dream get-away?
10.Your favourite place to shop yarn/craft supplies?
11.Most loved site-com series?
Phew...that was a job well done i hope!
Congrats my lovely friends and here's thanking Anna and Garden Chef again :)
Also wanted to share a very special and fun party hosted by Vicki from 2 Bag's Full. It is the "Grow Your  Blog" party. Please pop over there and join in the fun!

Leaving you with some fun posters and a link of awesome crochet quotes:

Love and more..

Vintage Collar

Helllo my Dear Lovely People!

First of all, i want to thank you guys for such lovely words and kind compliments on my previous post - Giant Granny Blanket. It made me and my effort all the more special :)!!

After this project was done, it left me drained and i needed a quick Pick-Me-Up in terms of crochet.
This is what i did to satisfy my creative urges..

 This is a very simple shell edging border basically. Worked to the length of your neckline or whose ever it is being made for.

 Found a black and white button from my stash and it seemed to tie the whole thing wonderfully well.

 This can be worn on any cute toddler's dress/top. The benefit of having a girl child is never ending i tell you :) Little Miss loves it, tho i just might have to stitch the collar so that it stays in place.

I want to thank Garden Chef for the lovely Liebster Blog award! She runs a great blog with crochet, needlework, cooking and not to mention her love of dogs. Appreciation goes a long way in motivating people i feel. I am going to do a separate post for the award and questions..About time i did...Lazy me!!

So my lovely friends, thanks for popping by..
Will be back with lots of fun questions and answers for the blog. Would love to hear from you guys, what projects are you starting off in this new year :)


Jan 3, 2013

Gaint Granny Patch Blanket - Ta-daah!!

Hello my LOVELY people!

Wishing you all a fantastic New Year 2013 and hoping it will be filled with love, health and lots of crafty adventures.

I have something very special to show you guys today. After drooling over all the yummy pictures and posts of the famous StyleCraft DK yarn i gave in to temptation and ordered my first batch of this gorgeous yarn. You can read more about yarn info HERE.

Well i started this blanket way back in Sept 2012. Greatly inspired by Sandra of Cherry Heart's - Gaint Granny Patches. It was love at first sight. I knew i had to had to make something on the similar lines.. But the problem was i cannot have such a huge project on the move. Her's was a join-as-you-go one, which was an absolute no-no for me.. Had spent a few weeks in gathering up courage to do these small squares and later on join them - I though i will cross the bridge when it comes..and i gave birth to 2 kids normally, this can't be harder than that (yes, that's my yardstick now..he he) Thus began the journey of hooking my grannies..They grew from 1 to 100's. I sneaked in a few before meal-times, during nap-times, in-between cooking meals and stealing precious hours when everyone was asleep..

 They grew and grew and i finally had 672 squares! Mind you, i could have finished the blanket by now..But no, being me had to make things difficult. Then started the entire process of arranging the squares and joining them. With 18 colors to choose from this is not an easy task. I m not so much of a random fan and also i wanted an equal spread of the dark maroons and reds with the lighter pinks and blues and peaches..So i packaged the squares into 28 packets of 24 squares each..yes i am really happy i had a Degree in Engineering!!

..and then the joining began..

This was a slow task but it was TOTALLY worth it, i could plan and change as much as i wanted and also this is the ONLY way i could get this blanket done with 2 small kids and an even smaller house!!

I am feeling specially pleased and excited to show you the reveal..
Here you go...

Gaint Granny Patch Blanket Ta-daaah!!

Especially happy with the border. Used the design from 200 Crochet Blocks by Jan Eaton.
The block is Chocolate Box and I ended up just hooking the thin and thick rows as many times as i wanted.

 Palate of colors..

 Yours truly, trying to click a snap in the garden @ my apartment - onlookers thinking i am a crazy lady!
This makes my heart skip a beat..The back of the blanket! Maybe i like this more than the front..
I truly can't believe i had it in my to complete such a huge task..

Here's a look at some info you guys may wish to know:

Yarn : StyleCraft Special DK which can be ordered HERE. They provide the best and fastest delivery world-wide.
Colors :
From top left corner:

1.White - 1001
2. Turquoise - 1068
3.Clematis - 1390
4.Saffron - 1081
5.Shrimp - 1132
6.Fondant - 1241
7.Apricot - 1026
8.Lipstick - 1246
9. White again..
10.Mocha - 1064
11.Aspen - 1422
12.Plum - 1061
13.Meadow - 1065
14.Cloud Blue - 1019
15.Claret - 1123

Apart from these 14 colors i also added some metallic shades and 2 more:

1.Copper - 1029
2.Silver - 1203
3.Pale Rose - 1080
4.Spring Green - 1316

Totally 17 colors - one ball of 100g each and 5 whites 5x100g + 4 shades for the border = approx 2300gms.

Hook Size - 4.00 mm
Square Size : 2.5 x 2,5" / 6 x 6 cm
Square Pattern : Granny Square in 3 rounds. In case you need a TUTORIAL i used a very good one from Heather of Little Tin Bird.
Number of Squares: 672 - 28 rows of 24 squares each
Joining Method : Using SC - a tutorial with lots of pictures from Lucy of Attic24 HERE.
Border: Design from 200 Crochet Blocks by Jan Eaton.The block is Chocolate Box. 3" in thickness.
Blanket Size: 67 x 77 " / 170 x 195 cms
Ravelry Page Link HERE

 My labor of love, works best on the loved ones!!

It drapes over my bed and would be a comfort fit even for a king-size bed.

Me : Totally, utterly, jumpingly HAPPY!!!

When i began this journey i never thought i would get here, but yes 4 months and i am through it..It has been amazingly satisfying and comforting.

Loved sharing this with you guys, my special people... Do let me know what you think of this blanket. Also i have tried to give as much info as possible, still you need anything more, feel free to pop in and ask away..

Leaving you with a melody of pictures.

Have a great crafty year ahead..
Lots of love,