
Sep 26, 2013

Colorburst Collar

My dear friends!

Thank you so much for your words, they did make me feel better and breathe deeply and relax a bit more...Infact i felt that every mother will go through this and I should grin n smile and bear it and now things are becoming a bit better. I feel the more I compartmentalize and prioritize, the easier the going gets :)

While working on my Little Miss's Pink n Purple blanket, I was distracted by the colorful thoughts of making a collar. It refused to go away and I had to hook this for a simple t-shirt of hers.

 The pattern is from the head of yours truly. But its really very simple. I am sure all your smart ladies out there can figure it out!

Intended to make this as the sleeve of her sleeve-less shirt. But in the last couple of days my girl has just had a growth spurt and none of her clothes, i literally mean none, be it her jeans or right down to her bare essentials, all are TIGHT! So now i need another shirt for this collar. What color do you guys suggest?

The latest addition to the blanket are these squares. This is the very lovely pattern known as Circle of Friends pattern by Priscilla Hewitt. You can find the free pattern HERE.

It really is a very easy pattern and not at all as complicated as it looks. The color combination options are endless and each will produce awesome effects! Highly recommended pattern :)

So off my friends I go, to attend my motherly duties now. The feeding and the cleaning and the sleeping and the story telling! Get crafty and save your sanity, it is working wonders for me :) and blog about it also, it helps a lot to just vent out somewhere..

Love and more...


Sep 19, 2013

DIY Yarn Lights

Ok my friends!

I have officially lost it. Can you find it anywhere? Any store where it is  available at a discount or a buy 1 get 1 free offer?? Any advice on how to regain it back? Have you lovely people been in this position before? In case you are still with me.. and want to find out what I have lost.. here goes nothing..

and also I do not understand what my kids want anymore..
I always knew raising 2 small kids would be a challenge, but now a days my little man is in his terrible two's and my little princess hasn't yet grown up from her terrible two's! Its been so frustrating for me as a mother. I really don't know sometimes if I am doing the right thing. Is it more important that they follow rules or eat their food? I am trying to get my girl to eat on her own and that is requiring a lot of effort. My son just refuses to sit in one place even for 5 minutes!! Why are their batteries always fully charged?? Uff!!

 Anyways, I remember to take a deep breath and imagine that they will grow up and I will laugh about this post :) SO coming back to my crafty pursuits, I had done this with all the spare yarn. More specifically cotton threads with me.

I followed this link HERE and a bit of my own research and experiments to make this lantern lights. Added a string of lights inside to complete the picture.

This was done for my son's school - DIY Lantern from Recycled materials. It is a very VERY messy affair to do it. But the results are just amazing. Go ahead and have some fun, try to include your kiddo in this process, I am sure they will have a blast!

So I am off to set my house straight...It really looks like a hurricane crashed into it ..he he!

Hope you have a pleasant weekend ahead. We have a long weekend here for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Did I say long weekend, yes 3 days of 3 (2+ 1 hubby) kids all the time in the house...ahhhh.. wish me LUCK!!!


Sep 9, 2013

Tapestry Crochet Fascination - A pouch

Hello lovely crafty hooky people!

Hope the weekend was a sunny side up one for all you folks..We had a long and tiring weekend.. Shopping is NOT easy with 2 little ones i must tell you :)  We spent less time in the shops and more time in feeding, cleaning, playing and entertaining them..But it was fun alright!

Now, coming to my crafty adventures..there are quite a few i am doing..But can only share this one with you as it is a FO.This project was such a joy to work...well that is a bit on the exaggeration side of things..To be true to myself and my dear friends..Tapestry crochet is NOT my cup of  tea/coffee..what ever you prefer! You need to be patient as it is mostly SC and we all know how slowly that progresses. Also the knots..the color threads keep getting entangled and it used to bug me :(

But the end result was worth it..

Want to have look??

Here it is..

Tapestry Pouch Ta-daaah!!!
(I am actually saying Ta-daah as it took long enough to deserve one)

Did you like my polka dotted zipper? he he...advantages of living in HK :)

A closer look at the hard work..

Anybody interested in doing this pouch can find the link to the free pattern HERE.

My little miss birthday is fast approaching and we are busy making a castle and decorations.. More of that soon..Hope you guys had a fantastic weekend and do let me know your hooky projects as i love to hear from you!
