
Aug 31, 2012

Home is where the ART is

Hello my lovely people!

Friday is such a good day. Just because its Friday. Am sure you guys have lotsa lovely plans for your weekend and are looking forward to spending it with your loved ones and going what you love the most. Be it cooking up a favorite meal or hooking up a new project or a redoing a tiny bit of your home.

In the past couple of months i have taken to crochet as a healing mechanism or rather a creative therapy against raising 2 small children, Its been very comforting and relaxing putting the kids off to sleep and making myself a hot cuppa coffee and hooking new projects. In those late night hours or early morning hours i do get my ME time!! The rest of the day just disappears in one whirl of chores, baths, feedings, cleaning, schooling, playing and what not.

The kids and me watch a particular show on Cbeebies - Mister Maker. Its a huge hit with them and with me too. He has lotsa crafty things to show and do. He always ends his show with the tag - Now your home is where the art is. I decided to get this down as a wall decor item in the house, as of-course our home is a creative and arty one! Did this with cross stitch and it took me quite a while as i can only touch the needle sans the kids.

Ready for a look???

I had sooo much fun doing this project. Got a few colors wrong and had to undo the cross stitching. But in the end, love the colors.

 Border is a simple alternate rows of cross stitch. Did it with just 2 strands of thread.


 Free hand calligraphy for the word "ART".

Framed and now in its place of pride, as soon as one enters the home.

For those of you who want to get your hands into cross-stitching and making such home decor items - a few pointers.

1.Pick any design. It could even be a photograph of something you love. A flower, a strawberry or even any comic character.
2.Go through the link and directions in this eHOW page.
3.Once you have your pattern pixel-ed out, get a print out. Its really difficult counting the crosses on the computer. Also maybe one can plan ahead and pre-count the stitches before beginning their work.
4.I used the 11 count Aida for this pattern. Find more information HERE.
5.For 11 counts, 2 strands is better as it shows the crosses better. But since i was mostly doing alphabets, i wanted a bolder matte finish. So i went ahead and used a 6 stranded thread. You can see the difference between the letters(which look bolder) and the border(which looks normal) here.

6.Lots of crosses afterwards you are rewarded with the picture in your mind transforming itself in fabric :)

There is something so wonderful about dreaming and visually fantasizing a thought and then working towards achieving it. Then the end result is of-course beautiful and there for everyone to watch, but the journey which you enjoy is experienced by the dreamer alone. And i thoroughly enjoyed this cross-stitch journey!!

You can read more about the spring time clock HERE.

So my lovely people,
I am off to being my weekend now. Feeling jumpily happily happy with myself currently :)

Hope you have a great weekend, enjoy yourselves and do be good!!


Aug 30, 2012

Rainbow Bowl

A good morning to all my lovely readers:)

How is your world..mine is very colorful right now, I have been greatly surrounded by color the last couple of days.

I never thought crochet bowls would turn out soo great! Here's what you need:

1.A crochet doily. I worked up a big round motif drawing inspiration from HERE.
2.A bowl - i used the melamine variety and had no problems with removing the doily from on top.
3.Fabric stiffener - which i dint have. Alternately i used ordinary white glue mixed with water in the ratio 3:1.
4.Patience as you need to wait at-least 10-12 hours for the doily to dry, i gave it 6 hours actually. But at the end of 24 hrs it was actually pretty stiff and stable. I was thrilled to bits to see the white glue work :)

Here's what you need to do -

1.Make a mixture of the white glue and keep it ready.
2.Dip your doily in it liberally.
3.Place the cup, upside down and cover it with the doily, smoothing the edges as you like them, Try to give it a round appearance by shaping it with your hand. Yes, i dint promise a clean affair :D
4.Take a paint brush and dip some more glue and paint it over the doily.
5.Preferably keep the doily in a sunny place to dry or at-least where there is some fresh air.

Let the waiting being!!

Perfect to keep your bits and pieces. Or also as a show piece. Or also as a gift. Or also as a toy. Or also as get the idea! Lotsa possibilities basically!!

Are you guys looking at my new Stylecraft Special DK yarn!!! A post about my latest stash coming up sooon. Watch this space. Love to hear from you lovely people. It makes my day special!

Have fun and take good care,
Lots of love,

Aug 28, 2012

Toddler Apporoved

Goood morning my lovely friends!

How is the Tuesday treating you?

Blogging and internet have really opened up many windows for SAHM like me. Before Tuesdays meant getting set to the routine of office and planning the week ahead so that i could get all my tasks done by Friday morning. Yes, i have always been a meticulous planner ;) But now there are no tasks to complete by Friday as motherhood has no timelines. Everyday in its own manner is the same. I have 6 meals and 2 snacks and 2 milk drinking sessions and many trying to wean sessions (my son is now 13 months) to attend to. Being a SAHM is really helpful for the kids. I am there to see every step they take , literally. It is really beautiful to watch them do the things they do. Both of them have started playing together now and its really great, as i can sit back(hook in hand, of-course) and just monitor them.

I do miss my work, the office life, the deadlines and the sense of accomplishment, not to mention the fat pay check (fat considering that i am no longer financially independent :(( ). On the other hand, i am sure i wont have any regrets on how my kids grew up, no guilt and most of all, no missing any firsts!! Also, since i have been staying at home with kids, my creative streak is in full force. I really enjoy the crafty side of life and things. Not sure i want to give it up so soon.. Mr Banker will have to continue working(wink).

OK, enough of my ramblings.. I stumbled upon this great site - Toddler Approved!!
Anyone with toddlers, please oh please pop on to this site. It is amazing, has lotsa fun stuff to do with kids and lotsa yummy things to cook.Instant inspiration came from THISand i had to make it .

All you need are these things - old cardboard, some googly eyes, a marker, glue and a "pressing" toddler :)

Let the pressing begin! Amazing how much fun they have with such simple toys. My girl played with this the whole day, asking which floor we need to go and opening and closing the doors for us :)

Hope you guys are doing good, happy and crafty!I need to get back to my hook and needle..finishing stages of 2 projects which i need to share soon with you lovely people...


Aug 27, 2012

Button Bow Dress

Good Monday morning to all my lovely people!

A warm welcome to Kevser from Kenny Window and Alison Howe - please let me know your blog so that i can link back :) Love making new friends over blogger land.

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend :) We had a sunny, fun and food filled weekend here at diaper-mum's world. Weekend just disappears don't you think? I especially feel that about Sundays.
Got a bit of shopping done as the little boy is growing up fast and nothing fits him anymore Had to buy new dresses and even socks. Here is my Buzz lighter on Bullseye and also my little princess trying to scare her daddy.

I have been putting my hands in too many pies. Its partially in a cross-stitch i am trying to finish ASAP. Also here's a look at what i have been dying to try out - eye candy here and here. Need to buy fabric stiffener today for this. Also planning my next big blanket. Hopefully i would get the wool soon. In the midst of all this, i could not resist making a bow button shirt.

A really cute thing this is, just collect all your sample, stash buttons and think of any pretty thing like a bow or heart or a flower. Stitch the buttons on the line drawing and you are good to go. Love love having a daughter :)

 My son trying to grab some, i do feel sad that i don't make much more for him. Need to remedy that!

My model, my princess and she is a happpy happy girl!!

Hope you guys have a great start to your week!
Love to hear about your weekend :)


Aug 25, 2012

Birthday and a first-time gift!

Hello my lovely people!

Hope you are all having a great weekend so far. We had a great special dinner yesterday for the hubby dear :) All his favourite things - panner (cottage cheese) in spicy tomato onion gravy, puri, rice pudding, aka rice kheer and a few other things...

Anybody hungry??

Rice Kheer or Rice pudding is a traditional sweet dish prepared in India for any special occasion or during festivals and other feast occasions.

I follow a simple 1 ratio recepie :

*1 Litre Milk
*1 fist full rice(preferably the long grained variety)
*1 small cup of finely grated nuts - almonds, pistachios and cashew nuts
*1 tsp elaichi power
*1 hour of your time :)
*Sugar according to your taste

In a thick bottom pan heat 1 lt milk till it boils, then add the rice and continue to simmer for approximately 1 hour or till the milk reduces to almost half the quantity. Add sugar according to taste. Simmer for a few more minutes and add the nuts and elaichi powder, saving a few for garnishing.

Transfer to a fancy bowl and keep it in the refrigerator. Tastes best when served chilled!!

Cottage cheese in a spicy gravy! I don't remember how i did it, but the hubby said it was yummy and devoured most of it, so i am assuming it tasted good. Tastes best with Puris i think..and that's what we had.

Baked Bitter Gourd chips - not my favourite but the better half likes this bitter dish.
Find the recipe here.

Little miss's first birthday gift to her father.
She made this in her school. A photo-frame pen stand. We picked a cute snap together and the gift was all done.

This is her portrait of her dad :)))

Home cooked meals and home made gifts. Couldn't get better than this said the banker. I totally agree with him (for a change)

Whats cooking in your houses today? Hope its filled with love :)

Lots of love,

Aug 23, 2012

Circle Motif Bunting

Hello my lovely people!

Hoping this post sees you guys in good spirits. A warm welcome to Charlotte from Charlotte's Web and also Kara from Petals to Picots.

Weekend is just around the corner and tomorrow is my better 1/2 's birthday :) Yes he is now gonna be as old as me...he he. Have been racking my brains on a suitable gift which does not include clothes, books, electronics or food. Lets see what i can get excluding this... my little girl has something ready for her Papa. Will post it tom, after he also sees it!

Else, i completed my motif bunting as you can see below.

The little people have been having a go at it and hence its way above their reach now. Adorning the curtain panel, i must say i am damn pleased with the look in my bed room now :)

A few close-up shots of the bunting. Used chain stitch and hooked up the motifs at 2 points per motif using a SC.

As for my real flowers, here they are..

 in full bloom - divine fragrance and a sight to behold :)

 Parting shots of my new bunting. I AM!

Hope you guys have good plans for the weekend, hooky wise and otherwise!

Aug 21, 2012

Pretty in Pink

Hello my lovely people,

Hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday so far.

I have been fascinated by these flowers. The pink stargazer lily. 

You can read more about this flower here. The fragrance of this flower is so delicate and romantic. It fills the house with a freshness which can only be felt. This flower is quite popular in Hong Kong and i used to see people buying it all the time. But i never indulged in them. Then once i have bought these home, i am hooked! 

Will post more pics once they are in full bloom.

I did a quick crochet project today. A super addictive butterfly pattern can be found here.

Fluttered on to Little Miss pink corduroy trousers. Added a cute button and the pant is nicely accented i think. Benefits of a stay at home mom who is crafty and blessed with a little angel :))

A sneek peak into my next work. Its not crochet. It is cross-stitch. Hope i can remember enough to do this right!!

A big THANK YOU to Sir Vai. Gopalakrishnan for this award. Please find his beautiful and informative blog here.Thanks for always finding the time to visit me and leave me lovely comments. Encouragement comes from people like you!!

Keep well and keep happy.

Aug 20, 2012

Magical Mondays

I know i know, there is nothing magical about a monday, especially as it comes after a weekend!! But read on..

A good day to all my dear friends :)
Welcoming my new blogger friends -

Mihael  from MihaelARTCrochet - your crochet laces and bead work is simply out of this world
Anna from me.anna - do check out her blog to understand what me.anna means!!
Eileen from Crochet Attic - true eye candy blog. Cant wait to see more of your inspirations.
Barbara from Made in K-Town - love love your blog and all your ideas :)
Kara from Petals to Picots - amazing work and an inspiring blog!
Rajeswari Jaghamani from
Melissa Richardson - welcome into the daiper mom's world
Global nomad from PigTails - please teach me how to click photos! love all your snaps on blog.

This means i havn't blogged for a while now :) But its soo good to meet new people and make friends and learn about different cultures and people all over the world. Isn't it magical? So isn't the monday magical?

Finished this table mat come square doily. Toyed with the idea for a while and decided on making this a square table piece, used 3 different patterns from my favorite book of blocks - you can read about it here.

Loved working all the 3 blocks. But especially enjoyed the Light and Shadow blocks. It is such a simple pattern done in 1 color but has such a special look about it. Magical isn't it?

Found my new favorite granny pattern - the center piece. Maybe i will use this block pattern for my next big blanket project :)

My son's most used toy. The joy of small things i must say - yes its magical :)

Not my usual bright colors. Wanted a sober look so that i could high light the flowers on top. Used a simple shell border to finish things off..

Here are the flowers and my old fashioned phone. That has to be ignored :) 

My lovely girl, with lovely orchids :) Magical isn't it??

 Pretty flowers for all my lovely readers! And my helper is back after her day off and it makes it the most magical as i don't need to attend to house hold chores and can sit back and blog and connect with the world after a work filled weekend :)) Magical!! Bring me my cup of Tea now!!!

Lots of love,