
Aug 28, 2012

Toddler Apporoved

Goood morning my lovely friends!

How is the Tuesday treating you?

Blogging and internet have really opened up many windows for SAHM like me. Before Tuesdays meant getting set to the routine of office and planning the week ahead so that i could get all my tasks done by Friday morning. Yes, i have always been a meticulous planner ;) But now there are no tasks to complete by Friday as motherhood has no timelines. Everyday in its own manner is the same. I have 6 meals and 2 snacks and 2 milk drinking sessions and many trying to wean sessions (my son is now 13 months) to attend to. Being a SAHM is really helpful for the kids. I am there to see every step they take , literally. It is really beautiful to watch them do the things they do. Both of them have started playing together now and its really great, as i can sit back(hook in hand, of-course) and just monitor them.

I do miss my work, the office life, the deadlines and the sense of accomplishment, not to mention the fat pay check (fat considering that i am no longer financially independent :(( ). On the other hand, i am sure i wont have any regrets on how my kids grew up, no guilt and most of all, no missing any firsts!! Also, since i have been staying at home with kids, my creative streak is in full force. I really enjoy the crafty side of life and things. Not sure i want to give it up so soon.. Mr Banker will have to continue working(wink).

OK, enough of my ramblings.. I stumbled upon this great site - Toddler Approved!!
Anyone with toddlers, please oh please pop on to this site. It is amazing, has lotsa fun stuff to do with kids and lotsa yummy things to cook.Instant inspiration came from THISand i had to make it .

All you need are these things - old cardboard, some googly eyes, a marker, glue and a "pressing" toddler :)

Let the pressing begin! Amazing how much fun they have with such simple toys. My girl played with this the whole day, asking which floor we need to go and opening and closing the doors for us :)

Hope you guys are doing good, happy and crafty!I need to get back to my hook and needle..finishing stages of 2 projects which i need to share soon with you lovely people...



  1. wow what a lovely blog u have rajeswari, would love to read through at leisure, so just a quick comment to say hello!
    you are most welcome to stop by at my place too :)



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