
Jan 19, 2013

Let's "Grow Your Blog" Party

Hello, my LOVELY friends. Hope you are having a great weekend and enjoying the winter season wherever you are!!

This is a very  special post for the "Grow Your Blog" Party, organized by Vicky from 2BagsFull.
She has a lovely and very creative space. Do pop in there by clicking on the party button below to have some fun reads and also participate in few give-away's.

So let the party begin....!!
Apart from what is in "About Me" tab at the right hand corner of the blog here's a sneak peek into my world...

A former run-of-the-mill IT consultant from Bangalore, currently I am a full-time home maker for my 2 adorably cute and incessantly demanding children. If this wasn't enough, my superior fraction (better ½) is sometimes most of the time even more demanding. The journey of my chaotic life is currently passing through Hong Kong. 

My little people 

My passion and creative outlet.
Being an arty type of human being my house, life, art work is generally in a frenzied state of motion. I decided to bring some order into at least my art life through a blog. Started blogging in early 2012, February to be precise (did procrastinate for a month though). My creative desires always had an outlet, but now I use Blogger to showcase it. You will find lots of crochet decor items made to enhance the love and warmth in my home, crochet wearable for little ones, dabbles of paper crafts, home improvement ideas, scrap booking and sewing projects amidst my ramblings in space and time. 

Why Diapermum? 
One thing you will always find in my purse – any guesses? Not mini make-up kits like most Hong Kongers but diapers J Being a mom of a 3-year old girl and a 1-year old boy diapers are a must have in my bag. You have all heard of Super moms and multi-tasking moms and this-and-that mom. But I am a diaper mum and since my blog is my very own space, it mirrors my thoughts. Plus all the good names were already taken by bloggers world-wide and I had to do with this.

Well folks that's a bit about me. Started blogging almost a year back and never thought i would come so far. I have made some very special friends in this world of blogger land. Ever post i publish and every article I craft is made even special and worth it by your very sweet and encouraging comments!
Thanks for being on this crazy journey with me and lets make it more fun and worth-while.

Here's looking at all such lovely inspirations and blogs..

Have a great weekend and hope to make great friends in this space :)



  1. Hi, Rajeshwari! I also called my post Let's grow your blog party.hehe:)
    That's so great to get to know more about you:) your kids are adorable and they are lucky to have Mum who not only cooks and changes their diapers, but also creates making the house cozy and family life even more enjoyable experience.
    Sending blessings and warm hugs your side!

  2. lovely to have met you Rajeshwari, I do enjoy picturing you over there in Hong Kong looking after your two little ones and trying to juggle your much loved crochet and craft! Heather x

  3. Being a mum of 4 kids (who are adults now), I know exactly what you mean with those diapers, and I can still remember those long ago days ;>)
    Your kids are SO cute and your works are just so inspiring.
    THANKS, dear !
    NADINE in Belgium

  4. Hi Rajeswari, Lovely post. I love reading your blog for the crafty updates and also because you share cute slices of your life with us. I find myself eagerly awaiting the latest pics of your two cuties! Once again, I find it very commendable that you manage two kids and still find time for craft. They are lucky to have you as their mom.
    Love and hugs, warm kisses to the little ones.
    PS I missed joining the Grow Party by one day :(

  5. Such a nice introduction and your little ones are adorable. It is nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog party. Hope to catch up with you as time goes by.

  6. Hello, you do wonderful crochet projects. It's so nice to read your blog. Some years ago I visited Hongkong with my husband, it was a great experience. I look forward to your next post.

  7. It was so nice getting to read more about you and to get to know you better. Your little ones are so precious!

  8. You have a very lovely blog. I'm a new follower and a 'Grow Your Blog' participant. Have fun at the party!

    Evalina, This and that...

  9. Your little ones are so cute little darlings!

  10. Hi Rajeswari, what a wonderful blog, loving all your crocheted creations! So glad I found your blog through the GYB party!
    Looking forward to read more about you and your creations!

  11. Hi Rajeswari, it is so nice to meet you! I just popped over from Grow Your Blog party and am your newest follower. I am so looking forward to getting to know you better and will be back for a proper visit once the blog party is over.
    Off to visit more blogs before bedtime, lol!
    Beth P

  12. I enjoyed reading your post and learning more about you. My son has just gone to Hong Kong to teach English. :)

  13. So nice to meet you! I love crochet also and enjoyed reading about you..look forward to many more!Come visit me also!

  14. your little people are adorable! visiting via Vicki's GYB Party and enjoying your blog. love your yarn, going to make some beautiful things.

  15. Raj,
    So nice to be here via the gybp event hosted by our dear friend Vicki. Your ripple is going to be gorgeous. I love the color combinations you've chosen for your yarn. I agree that the fiber arts can keep us sane! Happy blogging...

  16. How well I remember a bag full of diapers and other baby stuff going everywhere with me!
    It has been lovely visiting you for this event and I love your blog. The picture of your children is lovely and so is your craft work.

  17. Hello Rajeswari....Sounds as though you live an "active" and fulfilling life!! enjoyed snooping you blog.



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