
Feb 22, 2013

Polymer Clay Hooks

Hello my gorgeous people!

Hope you sweeties are doing good and gearing up for the weekend..
This is a short post from my end. Was waiting for good light to share these with you but alas...that doesn't seem to happen when i am free...Having worked with various crochet hooks i must tell you that i root for the Clover ones. They are my absolute favorite...except at almost HK$ 90 it is not a friend of my pocket. When my clover 2.00 mm hook got twisted with repeated assault i started thinking about doing something to reuse my old steel one. But its really tough on the little hands you know..Then i remembered seeing the pretty polka dotted and colored handles and thought..hey i am crafty! I can make one... He he...

There are loads of ideas on the net for making all this Polymer Clay. But i found THIS one site particularly interesting. She actually tells the technique for covering pens. I tweeked it to suit my needs of crochet hook. You wanna see the result??

 and yes EM guessed it right!
 They are an absolute delight to work with. I could adapt easily and in fact my work was a tad bit faster i think..But the best part is, you can do it in any shades and techniques and create you own personalized hooks!

 I also added "a thumb rest" as i seem to hold my hook like a knife :) It really feels comfortable!
 This one's my favorite...Love the red and white dots together...Already have requests from my family members for hooks in their favorite shades. This it's a perfect crochet gift. What do you guys say? Which ones did you like the most?

PS: A warning. My hands especially my palms hurt a lot on the first day after making these as i really had to roll hard to make the clay workable! So i could not hook for that day! But the result is so so so worth it!

Have a great weekend! Love and more..


  1. Clay handles look very cozy! Good work!

  2. They're beautiful! You did a wonderful job :-) Happy hooking!

  3. Practical AND very pretty! Well done!
    Angie x

  4. These are gorgeous! I love them all, but like the red, white and blue one best I think! So pretty..

  5. Ooooh, your clay handles are a real piece of art. Mine always look like they are made by a kindergarten child. But working with them is a bliss. (Never had the hurting you describe, though)

    Thanks for the tip on hexagon blankets btw. I really love the moonstitches one, but I think this would be a pattern for a fullsized blanket, not a baby sized (rummaging through my DB Baby Cashmerino stash right now to see if I have all the colours I want to use ;-) )

  6. Great work on your new handles. I like all 3 - they're very pretty. :)

  7. that is so clever! I always wondered how they made these patterns. I also like a sturdy crochet hook and yes I think it does make it faster. I like the red, have fun! Heather x

  8. Fabulous, dear. Can't imagine how you got those pretty patterns. After seeing the how-to on Debi's site, I hunted around for the polymer clay. I could not find it in Ahmedabad. Maybe I should try online. :) Wonderful job!

    1. Try here:

  9. Love your hook handles, they're much more comfortable aren't they? You've done a really good job making them, my faves the red one with white speckles :)

  10. They are very pretty. The How to looks easy too. But as you said may be hard on hands.

  11. Lovely things! I would like to make some for my steel hooks. But I guess,polymer clay is a difficult thing to get here. Can I use play dough, instead? My son will happy lend me some. ;))

  12. Hi Rajeswari :) your lovely hooks have inspired me to make a few of my own. You can see them on my blog today and I linked back to your post here :)


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