
Aug 20, 2013

Finally I am here & a Nana Square Cushion

My dear people!

How i have missed this blogging world!! I have been gone away a long time...a bit too long a time. Hope it is not a reason for all you lovely people to forget me. I have hardly had the time to do anything these past few weeks...

If you want to know what kept me and my hook and my blogging separate, read on...Else skip to just read my last hooky adventure!

All was going fine, until disaster struck in the form of an angry young man - my little man - my son! He slammed a heavy door on his hand and there was a deep cut, along with a mad dash to the hospital. The doctor put on 5 teeny tiny stitches and told me again and again that everything will be back to normal. They had to remove his nail but he said that the root is intact and it would all seem the same in 2-3 months time.. But i was scared, the most i have ever been, and fell ill with a viral fever.

Till the stitches were removed, i used to baby sit him like he was a month old infant! In between this, we had lots of traveling to do, visiting my mother-in-laws place. On a more tragic note, she lost her mother to a paralytic attack and had to travel to her home town for the last rites. I was at my sister-in-laws place and then again we moved to my MIL's place... So in short, it has been a hectic, worrisome, tiring month for me!

But now, my son is fine, his nail is actually growing. The scar of the stitches is long gone and he is back to his naughty days.. In-fact he was back on the day his stitches were put too!! Also i am back in Hong Kong now.. Back to my sweet small home, and more importantly kids are back with their daddy dear and i am back with my helper! So all is well now :)

Ufff.....sorry for the long explanation.. Before all this happened, i had completed a cushion for my mom's house and had even clicked the snaps. But am posting it now, after more than 1 month..

A few details :

Yarn used : Stylecraft Special DK
Pattern : Nana square from The Royal Sisters HERE.
No of squares : 7 x 7 = 49
Joined using SCs holding RS together.

I joined the squares together and then when it was a 7 x 7 blanket i sewed it on to an existing cushion cover! Clever na, in that way i did not have to hook the back, the zipper on the existing cover provided a closure method and i also re-used an old item :)

Gosh, i missed blogging and more than that i missed visiting other blogs and reading about your crafty adventures :) I promise to cover my back log and set off on a blogger-land spree!! Do write in always and all ways, i love hearing from my lovely friends...



  1. oh!! that was one hectic month. happy to here he is recovering. the cushion looks superb! lovely colours. I loved this pattern when i saw one similar by emma lamb, its in my queue too. rajeswari, you were missed! yes,I mean it.

  2. The cushion looks beautiful.


  3. Welcome back, Rajeswari!! Glad to know that everything is back to normal now.
    Your cushion is very pretty, the colorful squares are beautiful!!:) neat work!!

  4. Welcome back my poor thing. I cannot believe how much you went through in just 1 month, but thank God your son is well now and you spent some time with your family supporting them and showing her your love.
    Hope things will improve and that you have some quiet, relaxing time.
    Love, love, love the cushion. Most precious and elegant.

  5. Welcome back....missed you in this blogosphere... lovely cushions...

  6. IT must have been very painful for the child. Cause nail when hurt are extremely painful. Now that its all over, a sigh of relief for you. Ain't it?

    The nana cushion cover looks lovely. Very neat too! And what is appreciable is with all such hectic schedules you are able to crochet and complete projects.

  7. Oh so good to hear from you again! Glad to hear your son is ok again.

    I love that cushion! Beautiful colours.

  8. Gosh what a month, I'm glad things have now settled down! Love your cushion! :) x

  9. Welcome back Rajeswari, you have been through it you poor thing, I'm pleased to hear that your son's finger has healed well, now you need a holiday to get over your holiday haha. I love your cushion it's lovely. :)

  10. welcome back!!! happy to know that your son is recovering well!!
    I'm back to JK and as you say, glad to meet my maid and that the school starts tomorrow!!!!!
    xxxxxx Ale
    p.s.: the cushion is lovely made!

  11. Welcome back Rajeswari. I am glad to hear that your son is recovering. :)

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's grandmother. My condolences to the family.

  12. Welcome back!! I am glad to hear your son is doing fine. I adore the pillow and what a great idea to reuse an olld pillow cover!

  13. Gosh that all sounds very stressful and emotional. Welcome back!! we have missed you. I think your cushion is fabulous. Jo x

  14. Wow, a crazy, scary month indeed! My son caught his finger in a window when he was one and almost severed his finger, it's very scary!

    Your cushion is gorgeous!

  15. Welcome back, dear. Really missed you so much. Even tried your phone number. :)
    Gosh, you went through a lot in just one month, you poor thing. I hope little prince is quite okay now, must have been traumatic for him.
    Lovely cushion cover and beautiful colour combination. I would not have thought of those colours but they work so well. What is the size of the cushion? The squares are joined with sc holding wrong sides together,am I right?
    Hope you are now relaxed and well, because finally Home IS Sweet Home. :)
    PS: Did you visit Ahmedabad?
    Lotsa love

  16. Welcome Rajeswari!!!! I'm happy for you! I hope all are well!
    A beautiful cushion!
    Kisses from Catalonia!

  17. Glad you are back and your cushion is adorable x

  18. Welcome back glad everyone is on the mend! Great cushion!

  19. Happy that u r back. Beautiful cushions.

  20. Hi there
    Very sorry to hear about your little boy. It affects us terribly when something like that happens so I really feel for you. I hope you also are on the mend now that you are back in your own home. I always say there is nothing like being home to feel better.
    Lovely cushion!

    Giveaway on the go...last two days to enter!

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  21. Very beautiful cushion! Glad to hear that everything is alright now.

  22. So glad you are back. You need a few deep breaths after that month. I'm also glad your little man is doing well. Nothing scares us quite so bad as having our little ones hurts.


  23. Uh, what a month!! So nice to have you back in blogland, dear, and I'm happy with you the hard times are over. All the best for your little son! Believe me, I would have been as scared as you when that happened, fortunately it turned out all right. Your cushion is a real beauty, I love it ♥. Have a nice and stressless new week!!
    xxx Nata


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