
Sep 26, 2013

Colorburst Collar

My dear friends!

Thank you so much for your words, they did make me feel better and breathe deeply and relax a bit more...Infact i felt that every mother will go through this and I should grin n smile and bear it and now things are becoming a bit better. I feel the more I compartmentalize and prioritize, the easier the going gets :)

While working on my Little Miss's Pink n Purple blanket, I was distracted by the colorful thoughts of making a collar. It refused to go away and I had to hook this for a simple t-shirt of hers.

 The pattern is from the head of yours truly. But its really very simple. I am sure all your smart ladies out there can figure it out!

Intended to make this as the sleeve of her sleeve-less shirt. But in the last couple of days my girl has just had a growth spurt and none of her clothes, i literally mean none, be it her jeans or right down to her bare essentials, all are TIGHT! So now i need another shirt for this collar. What color do you guys suggest?

The latest addition to the blanket are these squares. This is the very lovely pattern known as Circle of Friends pattern by Priscilla Hewitt. You can find the free pattern HERE.

It really is a very easy pattern and not at all as complicated as it looks. The color combination options are endless and each will produce awesome effects! Highly recommended pattern :)

So off my friends I go, to attend my motherly duties now. The feeding and the cleaning and the sleeping and the story telling! Get crafty and save your sanity, it is working wonders for me :) and blog about it also, it helps a lot to just vent out somewhere..

Love and more...



  1. You have made a very lovely and colourful collar :) it looks very bright and cheerful !! I am not sure what color t shirt is good for this but I guess it will look awesome on any light coloured:)
    I also have this square on my todo list. There are so many interesting patterns around. How I wish I can try all of them but they keep on piling on my todo list. So does the household tasks ;) not sure which one to target.

  2. Beautiful collar - I think it looks great on the aqua color you've shown. Have a great day. :)

  3. I loooooooove this collar!!!
    Congrtas for this great work!
    Kisses from Catalonia!

  4. The collar is gorgeous, you could go for any colour there, just make sure it fits her! Jo x

  5. Beautiful collar! I love your combination of colours and the bead trim! You will really have to give us the pattern! It is just too nice not to spread around :-)

    keep well


  6. Wow, love the colorful collar:) that's something that makes me happy, byebye

  7. I applaud Moms who find time for their hobbies, just like you :) Really, among all that business you still get distracted by other projects? really?hehe :) The collar looks awesome and surely will bring color to any outfit :) The blanket is also coming along nicely, and as I had said before, I do love these color combinations! Take care!

  8. you are one crafty mama, glad it helps! the collar is beautiful. very jewel like and love the edges! I could see her whirling around in a whole outfit like this! Heather x

  9. The collar is so pretty and bright! I really love it. It looks fantastic against the color you've got in your photos. Nice job!

  10. the colar is soo soo pretty, just loved it, I think if you go for dark colour tees (navy blues like)then it would highlight the colour well, and take a bow. with two kids you are managing your blog really well. I feel so bad about me now.

  11. This is such fine work! Absolutely stunning. I think it would look great with crisp white cotton!

  12. Lovely grannies!! And such a beautiful collar, great job :-)). I can imagine that it would go very well with a red t-shirt! Have a wonderful (and stressfree..) day =)
    Nata xxx

  13. the crochet squares are beautiful!

  14. Beautiful Collar, very colorful. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Rajeswari you are really doing some amazing work, I feel guilty for not pushing myself to do more intrigued designs. Your kids are gorgeous too! xxxx

  16. That is gorgeous! Both the cilar and te blanket pattern... So colorful and girly!


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