
Sep 9, 2013

Tapestry Crochet Fascination - A pouch

Hello lovely crafty hooky people!

Hope the weekend was a sunny side up one for all you folks..We had a long and tiring weekend.. Shopping is NOT easy with 2 little ones i must tell you :)  We spent less time in the shops and more time in feeding, cleaning, playing and entertaining them..But it was fun alright!

Now, coming to my crafty adventures..there are quite a few i am doing..But can only share this one with you as it is a FO.This project was such a joy to work...well that is a bit on the exaggeration side of things..To be true to myself and my dear friends..Tapestry crochet is NOT my cup of  tea/coffee..what ever you prefer! You need to be patient as it is mostly SC and we all know how slowly that progresses. Also the knots..the color threads keep getting entangled and it used to bug me :(

But the end result was worth it..

Want to have look??

Here it is..

Tapestry Pouch Ta-daaah!!!
(I am actually saying Ta-daah as it took long enough to deserve one)

Did you like my polka dotted zipper? he he...advantages of living in HK :)

A closer look at the hard work..

Anybody interested in doing this pouch can find the link to the free pattern HERE.

My little miss birthday is fast approaching and we are busy making a castle and decorations.. More of that soon..Hope you guys had a fantastic weekend and do let me know your hooky projects as i love to hear from you!



  1. Hi, Rajeswari! I am liking your pouch, it was worth it, right!
    I would like to try tapestry crochet soon, when I am finished with my big WIP. I am really glad to see that you try different things in crochet, and you always do them well. Would like to see what all you prepare for your Miss Birthday :)
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Lovely pouch, and great zipper:)) Tapestry is fun to make, is't it? byebye

  3. The pouch is beautiful, but I really know what you mean with not liking tapestry crochet. When Little Guy was born I really wanted to make him another blanket (I made a lovely knitted one with his name on it while still being pregnant) and saw a rather lovely set for a tapestry crochet blanket. First one or two squares where easy, but then it got complicated (5 or 6 colours in one row) so I gave up and made my first ripple instead ;-)

    Oh and I loooooooove that zipper. That is exactly my kind of thing. :-)

  4. It's beautiful it looks so professional and that zipper is lovely. I don't think I would have the patience to make it but you never know, thank you for the pattern link. :)

  5. Beautiful Rajeswari. Tapestry crochet was new to me. Would like to try it in my free time.

  6. Beautiful Rajeswari. Tapestry crochet new to me. Would like to try it.

  7. Oh wow! I love your pouch. I imagine tapestry would be time consuming. Not sure if I could figure out how to change threads properly. You did a great job! Best wishes, Tammy

  8. It looks so pretty !! Great job!! :) the zipper is cute!! Looks like I must order few from HK ;)

  9. Wonderful!! ♥ That's the bad thing, that sc crochet is going on so slowly, yes. But it was worth it, your pouch is an eye candy :-)). And hats off for the zipper! I never tried to make something with a zipper up to now. Thanks for the pattern link!

  10. Bravo! Lovely...but looks super complicated. I wonder if I have the patience for it. I always love your projects and the fact that you try something new everytime. Cute zipper...wonder if I can find it on ebay.

  11. beautiful.. I have come to love crochet more and more.. and would love to learn how to tapestry crochet soon!


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