
Mar 6, 2014

The lost art of blogging..

My dear bloggers, i have missed out on the action these days and how!!!

Well the post title says it all....I seem to have lost my mojo to blog or even to craft. I just cannot keep rambling right? There is not a single event which seem to have made me forget blogger land. I was visiting pages and having a blast on Pinterest. Infact there is so much of inspiration that i was lost...

If you are here for the crochet...skip ahead..i am all set to ramble :)))

* Visited my home country, India, for 2 weeks.
* Recovered my my first attack of cold in years.
* Pushed children through the rainy dreary months of Feb in Hong Kong.
* Developed a new love, HAND EMBROIDERY!!

*** Little Miss swallowed a metallic ball of approx 1cm in diameter and spent a night in hospital waiting for our turn to get her X-rayed and spent another anxious day waiting for the foreign object to pass through her digestive track!!

* Been exercising and seem to have lost 2-3 inches around the tummy!
* Eating fruits and loadss of veggies and drinking mugs of green Tea.. It really keeps you fresh from the inside!!

So that's why i have been missing. But but i am back. Hope to catch up and read all the lovely posts and stop by @ your creative spaces..

Having a growing girl at home means constant demands on the crafty side. Little Miss wanted a heart, a rainbow one of all..To hang on her bag..So this is what i made

The buttons were all selected and placed as per Little Miss's planning. I especially liked the rainbow charm. Suits her to a button. The brown button signifies "chocolate" - her favorite item for dessert.

She asked for her name to be stitched and in white thread..So her wish becomes my command.

Especially in love with this tag. Oh how i am gonna miss shopping in HK :((

Its really very simple, just crochet two hearts, embellish it to your hearts content and the stitch it together.. Make the little one stuff it with cotton and stitch it up! There you go, a perfectly hand made heart for your little Angel!

These days I seem to be attracted to making hearts...

This is my new love, Hand Embroidery. 

More of this in my next post...

Keep writing to me as i have really missed hearing from you guys. I feel like i have missed out a part of myself as blogging is really me, just my space on this wide world web..

Love and more,


  1. Sometimes it's best to take a break from blogging and just enjoy real life. I really like the hearts you've made - they're very pretty. :)

  2. Ah, sometimes you just don't get to it. As long as you had a good time!

  3. Lovely to see you posting again, sometime's life just takes over and thats ok we have to prioritise. I love all your hearts they are so pretty.:)

  4. Good to have you back. Really missed you. Hmmm... Pinterest and Facebook are sucking me into their depths so I can sympathize. I too have been slow on the blog front but of course crocheting like mad. Love your hearts...lucky princess! Hey I have found a new interest too.... machine sewing! Hope to show something on my blog.

  5. No worries about not blogging so much!!!! It happens to everyone, sooner or later!!!!
    Enjoy life and have fun with your new crafty passion!!!!!!
    xxxxxxxx Ale

  6. Happy to see u back. Lucky daughter. Sometimes i will also feel like this.Had some completed projects in hand. But didn't like writing a post. I don't know why. It happens to me often.

  7. Very Lovely heart and nicely decorated. Hope to see to blogging vigorously. Missed you.
    Hand Embroidery is vast and theraupatic. Good Luck on all your pursuits.

  8. Very Lovely heart and nicely decorated. Hope to see to blogging vigorously. Missed you.
    Hand Embroidery is vast and theraupatic. Good Luck on all your pursuits.

  9. Very Lovely heart and nicely decorated. Hope to see to blogging vigorously. Missed you.
    Hand Embroidery is vast and theraupatic. Good Luck on all your pursuits.


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