Hello my lovely people!
How fast the time flies, we already have a Friday upon us :) I have been unusually busy last couple of days, what with the kids and daily ups and downs in life. Sometimes i just need to sit back and relax! Oh no! Cant do that, another chore just came up or another kid just cried or is hungry or is angry or is weeping or is...you get it right. Two small children in the house, in a foreign land sometimes does have its downs. Feeling a bit blue, feeling if i am all alone and am i doing the right things for them. I do so miss my friends back in my home town, i do have some friends here, but diapers and strollers are sometimes just the end of social life.
But not to worry, they will grow up, i will learn and we all will definitely be bugging each other for a long long time!! Lesson to self : Stay calm, relax, breathe deeply and tell self that THIS WILL PASS.If not one can always crochet along :)
On this happy note, i present to you my progress on the Giant Granny Patches Blanket. I am done with all my 672 squares. But the joining is not happening as fast i would like it. Mainly because it has ceased to be a portable project and with so many many color options, i often need to sit back spread out the work done and plan accordingly.
My little man wanted to be a part of the photo taking action at home.
How fast the time flies, we already have a Friday upon us :) I have been unusually busy last couple of days, what with the kids and daily ups and downs in life. Sometimes i just need to sit back and relax! Oh no! Cant do that, another chore just came up or another kid just cried or is hungry or is angry or is weeping or is...you get it right. Two small children in the house, in a foreign land sometimes does have its downs. Feeling a bit blue, feeling if i am all alone and am i doing the right things for them. I do so miss my friends back in my home town, i do have some friends here, but diapers and strollers are sometimes just the end of social life.
But not to worry, they will grow up, i will learn and we all will definitely be bugging each other for a long long time!! Lesson to self : Stay calm, relax, breathe deeply and tell self that THIS WILL PASS.If not one can always crochet along :)
On this happy note, i present to you my progress on the Giant Granny Patches Blanket. I am done with all my 672 squares. But the joining is not happening as fast i would like it. Mainly because it has ceased to be a portable project and with so many many color options, i often need to sit back spread out the work done and plan accordingly.
My little man wanted to be a part of the photo taking action at home.
To help me ease the process, i did some planning. I divided the 19 colors of 36 squares each into 28 rows of 24 colors each. Of-course i am an engineer and now's when the maths i learned for so many years comes into some practical use!! ha ha
Separated them into 28 zip-lock packets, which my little miss helped me to do. We had such a fun night that day. Both of us packing away the little squares into the packets. And she learning how to lock the bags. So i pick up 1 bag and just lay the color, stand back, re-arrange them and then proceed to join them to the blanket!
Well, its Friday, hopefully the weekend will be much better for me mood-wise. I do hope you guys are crocheting and having fun!
Take care and wishing eveyrone a happy weekend! See you on the other side :)